My online recipe book features recipes from family, friends, and the internet in general.
I've been working on this project for years, so I kindly ask everyone to please read the "🇨🇦Read First" doc before accessing the content.
A bit of history
I started writing this cookbook in 2007 when one of my best friends bought her first apartment, and I had the idea of giving her a cookbook as a gift. I made the cookbook as a scrapbook, and she was so happy that I decided to continue improving it and incorporating more recipes. I made a few more cookbooks to give away, and I also started saving the recipes I found on the Internet on my computer, because I noticed that many of the links ended up going offline and I lost numerous recipes. When I went back to Brazil in 2010, I wrote down my family's favourite recipes (especially the ones from my grandmothers) and friends. As a result, the book kept expanding in a way that made it impossible to maintain in only one document.
With the launch of Google Drive, I managed to create a cookbook with folders, documents, photos and the most important: sustainability and copyright information.
The cookbook is sustainable because it is online (no waste of paper). For those who would like to print it, the spacing between the recipes is less than the usual cookbooks that look "pretty" but have one recipe per page (making for a higher waste of paper).
Note: I do not recommend printing the cookbook as I will always be adding new recipes. Access the folder from your computer or smartphone and stay updated!
Copyright Information
I've been updating all the documents since 2014 with all the copyright information. It took three years to find almost all the recipes and update them, but there are still some without the correct author. If anyone knows the original author and can send me that information, I will be extremely grateful. If I put your name in any recipe and you have the name of the original author, please also send it to me.
I hope that you enjoy the cookbook and that you share the photos of any recipes you try with me!